UGC NET 2022 Paper 1
Important Topics
- In order to achieve a high score on the UGC NET exam, students must cover the following topics. Listed below are the most
- Important topics for UGC NET. The topics are sorted for different subjects/ units.
The Paper-I for UGC NET 2022 will consist of the following subjects as a syllabus:
- Teaching Aptitude
- Research Aptitude
- Communication
- Reading Comprehension
- Reasoning
- Data Interpretation
- Logical Reasoning
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- People & Environment
- Higher Education SystemSubjects/ Units Important Topics
Teaching Aptitude
- Teaching: Nature, objectives, characteristics and basic requirements
- Learner’s characteristics
- Factors affecting teaching
- Methods of teaching
- Teaching aids
- Evaluation systems
Research Aptitude
- Research: Meaning, characteristics and types
- Steps of research
- Methods of research
- Research Ethics
- Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium
- Thesis writing: its characteristics and format
- Sets of passages with questions to be answered
- Communication Nature
- Characteristics
- Types
- Barriers
- Effective classroom communication
Mathematical Reasoning
- Number series
- Letter Series
- Codes
- Relationships
- Classification
Logical Reasoning
- Understanding the structure of arguments
- Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning
- Verbal analogies: Word analogy - Applied analogy
- Verbal classification
- Reasoning Logical Diagrams: The Simple diagrammatic relationship, multi- diagrammatic relationship
- Venn diagram
- Analytical Reasoning
Data Interpretation
- Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Graphical representation and mapping of data
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Graphical representation and mapping of data
People and Environment
- People and environment interaction
- Sources of pollution
- Pollutants and their impact on humanity life, exploitation of natural and energy resources
- Natural hazards and mitigation
Higher Education System
- Structure of the institutions for higher learning and research in India
- Formal and distance education, professional/technical and general education
- Value education
- Governance, polity and administration
- Concept, institutions and their interactions
The following is the exam pattern followed for UGC NET Paper I Exam:-
Subject No. of Questions Asked From
Each Subject Marks
- Teaching Aptitude 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 - Marks
- Research Aptitude 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 -Marks
- Comprehension 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 -Marks
- Communication 5 questions carrying 2 mark each 10 -Marks
- Mathematical Reasoning 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 -Marks
- Logical Reasoning 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 - Marks
- Data Interpretation 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 - Marks
- ICT (Information & Communication Technology) 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 -Marks
- People and Environment 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 -Marks
- Higher Education System 5 questions carrying 2 marks each 10 - Marks
Total 50 Questions 100 Marks
There are some important topics in UGC NET exam which the students must cover to score high in the exam. These
important topics as per the different subjects are given in the table below.
1. Teaching Aptitude
Through the teaching aptitude, the skills and knowledge of the candidate in terms of teaching methods will be determined.
This will examine the various knowledge domain of the student such as problem-solving skills, student management,
teaching methods, etc. Some of the important topics for teaching aptitude are:
- Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners (academic, social, emotional, and cognitive) individual differences
- Factors affecting teaching related to teacher, learner, support material, Instructional facilities, learning environment, Institution,
- Methods of teaching in institutions of higher learning: teacher-centered vs. learner-centered methods, offline vs. online methods, (Swayam, Swayamprabha, MOOCs, etc.)
- Teaching support system: Traditional, modern, and ICT based
- Evaluation systems: Elements and types of evaluation, evaluation in Choice Based Credit Systems in higher education,
computer-based testing, innovations in evaluation systems
2. Research Aptitude
Through the research aptitude, the candidates will be examined in the domain of research in different subjects and how to complete the research. Some of the important topics to cover for research aptitude are:
Meaning, Types and Characteristics of Research Methods of Research
Steps for researching Research ethics
The characteristics and format for the thesis writing Paper, workshop, article, conference, seminar, and symposium
3. Communication
Through communication, the efficiency of the candidate will be examined in terms of exchanging ideas, conveying a
message, speech, signals, behaviour and thoughts. Some of the important topics for communication are:
Nature of Communication Types of Communication
Characteristics of Communication Effective Communication in the classroom
Barriers to effective communication
4. Reading Comprehension
Through reading comprehension, the efficiency of the candidate will be tested on the basis of reading efficiency and answering questions related to that. There is no specific topic to prepare for reading comprehension. The candidates can read daily newspapers, and practice reading comprehensions to score well in this section.
5. Mathematical Reasoning
This section will test the reasoning skill of the candidate in terms of mathematical computations and logics. Some of the
important topics for Mathematical Reasoning are:
Series Statistics
Letter Series Relationship Theory
Codes Classification Theory
6. Logical Reasoning
This section will be testing the ability of the candidate in terms of problem-solving and logical thinking. Most of the questions in this section will be related to logics interpretation and brain-teasing. Some of the important topics for Logical
Reasoning are:
Arguments and its Characteristics Verbal Analogies
Deductive Reasoning & Inductive Verbal Classification
reasoning: Evaluation & distinguishing Reasoning Logical Diagrams: Simple and multi- Venn Diagram diagrammatic relationship,
Analytical Reasoning
7. Data Interpretation
This section will examine the proficiency of the candidates in terms of using the data given to solve the questions. Some of
the important topics related to Data Interpretation are:
Qualitative data Quantitative Data
Acquisition, sources and interpretation of data Mapping and graphical representation of the data
8. Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Through this section, the candidates will be examined on the basis of their knowledge in terms of IT and other related topics such as audiovisual systems, operating systems, middleware, storage, etc. Some of the important topics to cover for Information & Communication Technology (ICT) are:
Meaning, advantages, disadvantages, and uses of ICT General abbreviations and terminology related to ICT
Basic IT concepts E-mailing
9. People & Environment
This section will evaluate the proficiency of the candidate in terms of environment-related concepts. Some of the important topics for People & Environment are:
Interaction of People and Environment Natural Hazards & their mitigation
Sources of Pollution The effect of pollutants on the life of human, and
exploitation of energy and natural resources
10. Higher Education System
This section will evaluate the efficiency of the candidate in terms of the higher education system characteristics and latest process changes. Some of the important topics related to Higher Education System are:
The higher education system and research in India:Structure of Institution
- General Education
- Concepts, institutes and the interaction
Value education :
- Polity, Governance and administration
- Formal & Distance education
Meanwhile, the students need to keep in mind some of the important points related to UGC NET 2022 exam preparation to score well in the exam. Some of these points are:
Before starting your preparation study, prepare a time table as per your schedule and stick to it. Try to allot more time to the subjects you find more difficult and less time for the subjects which you have already studied.
Learn the exam pattern, markings scheme and important topics which you need to focus on for the exam.
Make a habit of practising previous years’ question papers and mock tests every day. This will help you increase your problem-solving speed and you will also be familiar with the nature of questions asked in the exam.
Spend more time on the weak areas which you need to study. Keep your strong subjects for the last.
Since there is no negative marking in the exam. Try to manage your time and attempt as many questions as you can.
Don’t waste your time over the difficult questions in the exam. Try to solve the questions which you know first.
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