Friday, 27 March 2015

Nature of Technical Writing

Nature of Technical Writing

 Technical-writing introduce you to some of the most important aspects of writing in the world of science, technology, and business²in other words, the kind of writing that scientists, nurses, doctors, computer specialists, government officials,engineers, and other such people do as a part of their regular work.To learn how to write effectively for the world of work, you'll study common types of reports, special format items such as lists and headings, simple techniques for putting graphics into reports, and some techniques for producing professional-looking final copy.However, the focus for technical-writing is not necessarily career as a technical writer but an introduction to the kinds of writing skills you need in practically any technically oriented professional job. No matter what sort of professional work you do, you're likely to do lots of writing²and much of it technical in nature. The more you know about some basic technical-writing skills, which are covered in this guide and in technical-writing courses, the better job of writing you're likely to do. And that will be good for the projects you work on, for the organizations you work in, and²most of all²good for you and your career.

Technical Writing is compiling information effectively with reference to a context for a specific user.
A Technical Writer prepares clear, concise written documentation which explain technical communication (technical information) of a product or software to a target user. A good Technical Writer should have strong communication skills (both verbal and written), can effectively gather information, and develop content with the user in mind.
The bulk of Technical Writer’s career involves work in the Information Technology industry. Technical Writers are asked to create user guides, tutorials for software applications, online help documents.
In the manufacturing industry, many Technical Writers create documents for setting up, operating, and troubleshooting consumer products, mostly electronic devices. An overview of the product is given and a Technical Writer compiles information and creates documents for the consumers which are clear and concise. These documents also contain illustrations to clarify the written content.

Scope of Technical Writing
Technical Writers are also employed as:
Medical Writers: They work with doctors and scientists and create documents that clarify research results and medical procedures. The need is ever increasing due to the constant developments in the medical and scientific world.
Health Writers: They create articles and develop articles on the health and fitness trends for consumers. They are mostly employed in large organizations.
Policy Writers:  They create and document company policies. Although not many create and document policies, there are a few who do it. Mostly Policy Writers are involved in translating policies and procedures in a way best understood by the company employees.

Thus, Technical Writing has a varied scope in different business environments across globe, which in turn is creating a need of employing Technical Writers, worldwide.

Characteristics of Technical Writing
 Technical writing presents and explains a subject matter in a clear, objective, accurate, concise, and unemotional manner.Technical writing uses a relatively high concentration of certain complex and important writing techniques particularlydescription of a mechanism, description of process, clarification, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, analogy andinterpretation.Technical writing highly utilizes technical vocabulary. It utilizes tables, graphs and figures to clarify and support textualdiscussion. It uses the conventional report forms.
Purpose of Technical Writing
 The following are the primary purposes of technical writing.
1. To inform
 It is written to make another person understand or to do something. It is designed to fulfill a need to tell and a need toknow.
. To analyze events and their implications
 It will explain how certain systems failed. This system may include education, socioeconomic, political and the neededchange.
3. To persuade and influence decisions
 It will show how a business or an industry succeeds.Technical writing is ideally characterized by the maintenance of impartiality and objectivity, by extreme care to conveyinformation accurately and concisely and by the absence of any attempt to arouse emotions.
Functions of Technical Writing
 1. To serve as a basis for management decision
2. To furnish needed information.
3. To give instructions
4. To explain techniques
5. To report achievements
6. To analyze problem areas
7. To determine design and system requirements
8. To serve as a basis for public relation
9. To provide report to stockholders of companies
10. To develop a product
11. To provide service
12. To record business through proposals
13. To procure business through proposals
Basic Principles of Good Technical Writing
 1. Understanding the reader 2. Knowing the purpose of each article or report3. Knowing the subject matter 4. Writing objectively5. Using correct format6. Adopting ethical standards
Understanding the Reader 
  A basic consideration in technical writing is to know the target audience. The technical writer should know how to adapthis writings and terminologies of the type of the intended audience or readers. Difficult technical terms used must becarefully defined so that the reader will easily understand the information being presented. If the reader fails to understandwhat he reads, the writer fails in his mission. The technical writers should know how important his readers are. The targetreaders help the writer to know what to write about and how to write it.
Knowing the Purpose of Each Technical Report
 The technical paper must be organized around a central theme. The reader should understand the main purpose after reading the paper. The purpose maybe is to describe a thing, to report on a specific problem or project, or to analyze andsolve a problem.
Knowing the Subject Matter 
  A technical writer must have a thorough knowledge of the subject he is to write about. If the report is on the result of atechnical experiment, the writer who writes the report should explain what the problem is all about, what causes theproblem and how the problem is solved.
Writing Objectively
  A good technical writer must emphasize the facts and the data. The impersonal style is basic to an effective technicalwriter. He represents facts, figures and statistics skillfully woven around the subject matter or central theme and written inan impersonal manner

downward communication and upward communication

Communication which starts from lower level to upper level is defined as upward communication.

On other side, Communication which starts from upper level to lower level is defined as downward communication. 

Upward communication and downward communication are contrary in nature. These two differ many characteristics in nature and other elementary factors. The following differences between upward communication and downward communication are noticeable:

Difference Between Upward Communication and Downward Communication
DiffirencesDownward CommunicationUpward Communication
01. DefinitionDownward communication is a process of starting communication process from upper level to lower level.It is just opposite communication to downward communication i.e. it initiate from employees/subordinates/workers to superiors/boss.
02. NatureSuch communication is for instruction, orders, advices and the  like.So, Downward communication is directive naturally.It is for providing suggestions, complaints and the like to superiors. So, it is not directive in nature.
03. ApplicationAn authoritarian communication environment need to apply such communication.A Democratic environment may ensure the application of such communication.
04. PurposeDownward communication is to provide relevant information, orders, instruction to subordinates. It works as like as Feedback.
05. FrequencyIt happens frequently because of keeping organizational functions smooth and active.Upward communication does not happen so frequently. 
06. DistortionPeople can't distort or get very little scope to distort message or information in such communication because of existing higher authoritarian communication.In Downward communication, Usually Messages can be distorted due to many reasons of sender.
07. InitiativeHigher authority or Top level of organization take the initiative to start such communication.Lower level/Employees/Workers of organization take the initiative to start upward communication.
08. ManagementDownward communication is called as instruction type communication system.Upward communication is stated as like as consultative management.
Upward communication benefits are.

1. Fosters Friendly Relations

Upward communication helps to bring about co-operation, goodwill and understanding among employers and employees. This stimulates friendly relations.

2. Provides Valuable Feedback

Upward communication provides a valuable feedback. The superiors come to know how their plans and policies; orders and instructions are being received and executed.

3. Encourages Participation

By encouraging employees to make suggestion, upward communication helps to bring in elements of participative management in the organization.

4. Two-Way Process

Upward communication is a part of a two-way process which promotes better understanding between management and employees.

5. Making Suggestions

The employees are encouraged to make suggestions in the interest of the organization. Some of these suggestions prove useful, and the employees are suitably rewarded.

6. Introducing New Projects

Upward communication creates a healthy relationship between the management and the employees and this in turn makes it convenient for the management to introduce new schemes or projects.

7. Employee Morale

Upward communication develops and improves employer-employee relations and promotes employee morale.
Disadvantages of upward communication in an organization is followed:

Resistance From Employees
Fear of Incompetence
Indecisive Superiors
Messages Not Heard
Unwillingness to Admit Failure

Upward communication disadvantages are.

1. Resistance From Employees

Employees rarely initiate upward communication as they are afraid of being ignored. Such communication often meets with improper recognition, so they hesitate to initiate it again.

2. Fear of Incompetence

The subordinates communicating with the superiors fear that their colleagues or work may be regarded by their superior as a reflection on their own competence.

3. Indecisive Superiors

If the superiors do not take any decision in the light of upward communication, the employee's loss confidence in their superiors.

4. Messages Not Heard

Often messages do not travel upwards; they merely rest with the inactive or indifferent superior. Some managers are poor listeners, some simply 'hear' messages without taking any action.

5. Unwillingness to Admit Failure

Many employees in lower hierarchy are insecure about their jobs and uncertain about their future prospects. They, therefore, feel unwilling to discuss their on-the-job problems with their superiors.

Downward communication advantages are.

1. Useful for management

Downward communication is the backbone of an organization. The management finds it useful to communicate necessary official information or plan of work to employees.

2. Good organization

In downward communication, there is a clear-cut division of responsibility and accountability. Discipline, satisfaction, harmony and co-operation follow automatically.

3.Useful for employees

Downward communication is useful for employees as they are well informed about their work from time to time. It gives them motivation and raises the morale of employees.

4. Superiors well informed

Downward communication keeps the superiors well informed about the development of the work as communication takes place along the well-defined lines.

5. A Sense of belonging

In downward communication, the employees carry a strong feeling of participation in the management of the organization. They regard themselves as important employees.
Drawbacks of downward communication are followed:

Time consuming
Authoritarian approach
Over and under Communication
Different priorities
No confidential matter

Downward Communication disadvantages are.

1. Time consuming

Downward communication is time consuming communication because it moves along the line of command of the hierarchy. It results in waste of time as the line of communication is long.

2. Distortion

Downward communication has to pass through many levels of authority, so there is a delay as well as distortion of the message.

3. Authoritarian approach

In downward communication, there is too much concentration of authority at the higher level. As people in the lower levels are merely receivers of decisions. So they unconsciously receive such message and miscommunication results.

4. Over and under Communication

Downward communication suffers from over communication or under-communication. In over-communication supervisors talk too much and merely waste the time of his subordinates. Due to this, the juniors are not respecting the seniors and there is indiscipline among the juniors. In under-communication, the supervisor does not talk enough and leaves his subordinates to his guessing about what he wants them to do.

5. Different priorities

In downward communication, the employees seek information about job security, salary, promotion and other beneficial schemes, but the management prefers to pass down orders and directions only. The gap between their priorities leaves the employees and employers dissatisfied.

6. No confidential matter

In downward communication, confidential matter cannot be disclosed at lower levels.

Why small talk is a big deal!

Why small talk is a big deal!

f you’d rather run a 10K than chat two hours at a holiday party, you’re not alone.  In fact, dread of what many refer to as schmoozing knows no bounds; it can make CEOs as well systems analysts sweat.
But small talk is no small matter when it comes to getting ahead—or even getting even.  And by getting even, I don’t mean revenge.  Although many people consider chit-chat an interruption to their day—or a bigger downside, a drain to productivity—here are the vital roles small talk serves:
  • Small talk builds rapport.  It gives people a sense of who you are personally.  The topic rarely matters.  The act of talking itself takes center stage.  Do you have a sense of humor?  Do you gossip?  Do you typically talk about current events?  Or are you constantly talking about work?   Do you always focus on yourself, or do you show interest in others?  Do you tend to lecture people, or do you like to ask questions and let other people have the floor?  Rapport makes it easier later to ask for a favor, referral, or support for an idea when you need it.
  • Small talk conveys caring. Asking about someone’s health, remembering  to ask about a pending job offer, referring to someone’s hobby—genuine interest about any of these shows personal concern.   Show me a person who doesn’t warm up under the spotlight of genuine concern, and I’ll show you an oddball.
  • Small talk surfaces commonalities.  Small talk helps you identify similar experiences, skills, values, likes, or dislikes. These stepping stones become the reasons for and path to more interactions.  Maybe you can refer clients, suppliers, or potential employees to each other. Would it make sense to work on a project together?
  • Small talk opens the door to new relationships.   All relationships are the sum total of conversations stacked end to end.  Nowhere but on Facebook do complete strangers send you messages like this:  “Hey, can we be friends?  You look like a wonderful person of strong character.  I think I’m in love with you.  I want a deep, caring relationship. Please tell me all about yourself.”   In real life, relationships at work or in your community start with simple conversations and grow from there.
  • Small talk churns up new data and ideas.   The motto “Loose lips sink ships” reminded American soldiers in World War II to watch their unguarded tongues.  I’m always intrigued about how much random, but useful information surfaces in watercooler conversations.    As Donald Rumsfeld once famously remarked:  “There are known knowns. These are the things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.”
Small talk splashes up some of the unknown unknowns that can guide you in your career—the real but untitled leaders in an organization, unadvertised job openings, what attitudes the organization rewards.
  • Small talk recalibrates your perceptions.   It’s always good to hear others’ perspective on topics of the day.  It can be either startling or motivating to hear their perception on issues where you thought you held the majority view.

Report Writing: Formatting the Report Elements

Report Writing: Formatting the Report Elements

Here are the main sections of the standard report writing format:
  • Title Section - If the report is short, the front cover can include any information that you feel is necessary including the author(s) and the date prepared. In a longer report, you may want to include a table of contents and a definitions of terms.
  • Summary - There needs to be a summary of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report. Some people will read the summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information. It would be best to write this last so you will include everything, even the points that might be added at the last minute.
  • Introduction - The first page of the report needs to have an introduction.  You will explain the problem and show the reader why the report is being made. You need to give a definition of terms if you did not include these in the title section, and explain how the details of the report are arranged.  
  • Body - This is the main section of the report. The previous sections needed to be written in plain English, but this section can include jargon from your industry. There needs to be several sections, with each having a subtitle.  Information is usually arranged in order of importance with the most important information coming first. If you wish, a “Discussion” section can be included at the end of the Body to go over your findings and their significance. 
  • Conclusion - This is where everything comes together. Keep this section free of jargon as most people will read the Summary and Conclusion.       
  • Recommendations - This is what needs to be done. In plain English, explain your recommendations, putting them in order of priority.
  • Appendices - This includes information that the experts in the field will read. It has all the technical details that support your conclusions.

Tips for Good Writing

Here are a few tips for good writing.     
  • Keep it simple. Do not try to impress, rather try to communicate. Keep the sentences short and to the point. Do not go into a lot of details unless it is needed. Make sure every word needs to be there, that it contributes to the purpose of the report.
  • Use an active voice rather than passive. Active voice makes the writing move smoothly and easily. It also uses fewer words than the passive voice and gives impact to the writing by emphasizing the person or thing responsible for an action. Here is an example: Bad customer service decreases repeat business.
  • Good grammar and punctuation is important. Having someone proofread is a good idea. Remember that the computer can not catch all the mistakes, especially with words like “red, read” or “there, their.”

Types of Body Language

Types of Body Language

What types of body language can be distinguished?
Body language is usually grouped along two lines...
  1. Parts of the body
  2. Intent
So what types can be found in each group?

Parts of the body

From head to toe, here are the groups when grouped for body parts:
  • The Head - Movement and placement of the head, back to front, left to right, side to side, including the shaking of hair.
  • Facial Expressions - The face has many muscles (anywhere between 54 and 98, depending on who you ask) that move several areas of the face. Each combination of movements of the following face elements communicates a state of mind:
    • Eyebrows - Up, down, frowning.
    • Eyes - Left, right, up, down, blinking, eye dialiation.
    • Nose - Wrinkle (at the top), flaring of the nostrills.
    • Lips - Smiling, snarling, puckered, kissing, opened, closed, tight.
    • Tongue - In, out, rolled, tip up or down, licking of lips.
    • Jaw - Open, closed, clinched, lower jaw left or right.
  • Body Posture - The way you place your body and arms and legs, in relation to each other, and in relation to other people:
    • Body proximity - How far or close to other people.
    • Shoulder movements - Up, down, hanging, hunched.
    • Arm placement - up, down, crossed, straight.
    • Leg and feet placement - straight, crossed, weight placement, feet towards speaking partner or pointing elsewhere, dangling of shoes.
  • Hand and finger gestures - How you hold and move your hands and fingures are particularly insightful in reading people.
  • Handling and placement of objects (eg. pens, papers, etc). - The odd one out... technically not a body part, but objects do play a big role in reading body language.


Another way to group types of body language is along Intent:
  • Voluntary/Intentional movements - Usually called "Gestures". These are movements you intended to make, like shaking a hand, giving the finger, blinking with one eye...
  • Involuntary movements - Usually called "tells", but "ticks" also fall into this category. Any body movement you have no cotrol over falls in this category. While technically not a body movement, sweating also applies.

So where is Tone of Voice?

While usually seen as body language, tone of voice and intonation are a separate group from body language.
For completeness sake, these are the groups that are found in tone of voice:
  • Pitch of voice - high voice, low voice, intonation.
  • Loudness - Everything from shouting to whispering.
  • Breathing - Slow, fast breathing, shaky voice.
  • Types of nonverbal communication and body language
  • There are many different types of nonverbal communication. Together, the following nonverbal signals and cues communicate your interest and investment in others.

    Facial expressions

    The human face is extremely expressive, able to express countless emotions without saying a word. And unlike some forms of nonverbal communication, facial expressions are universal. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures.

    Body movements and posture

    Consider how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand up, or hold their head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements.


    Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly—expressing ourselves with gestures often without thinking. However, the meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation.

    Eye contact

    Since the visual sense is dominant for most people, eye contact is an especially important type of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other person’s response.


    We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the messages given by the following: a weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug, a reassuring slap on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on your arm.


    Have you ever felt uncomfortable during a conversation because the other person was standing too close and invading your space? We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship. You can use physical space to communicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and affection, aggression or dominance.


    It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. When we speak, other people “read” our voices in addition to listening to our words. Things they pay attention to include your timing and pace, how loud you speak, your tone and inflection, and sounds that convey understanding, such as “ahh” and “uh-huh.” Think about how someone's tone of voice, for example, can indicate sarcasm, anger, affection, or confidence.

    Nonverbal communication can’t be faked

    You may be familiar with advice on how to sit a certain way, steeple your fingers, or shake hands just so in order to appear confident or assert dominance. But the truth is that such tricks aren’t likely to work (unless you truly feel confident and in charge). That’s because you can’t control all of the signals you’re constantly sending off about what you’re really thinking and feeling. And the harder you try, the more unnatural your signals are likely to come across.


how to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships

Body Language is a significant aspect of modern communications and relationships.
Body Language is therefore very relevant to management and leadership, and to all aspects of work and business where communications can be seen and physically observed among people.
Body language is also very relevant to relationships outside of work, for example in dating and mating, and in families and parenting.
Communication includes listening. In terms of observable body language, non-verbal (non-spoken) signals are being exchanged whether these signals are accompanied by spoken words or not.
Body language goes both ways:
  • Your own body language reveals your feelings and meanings to others.
  • Other people's body language reveals their feelings and meanings to you.
The sending and receiving of body language signals happens on conscious and unconscious levels.
Body language, and more technically the study of body language, is also known as kinesics (pronounced 'kineesicks'), which is derived from the Greek word kinesis, meaning motion.

body language - basics and introduction

Body language is a powerful concept which successful people tend to understand well.
So can you.
The study and theory of body language has become popular in recent years because psychologists have been able to understand what we 'say' through our bodily gestures and facial expressions, so as to translate our body language, revealing its underlying feelings and attitudes.
Body Language is also referred to as 'non-verbal communications', and less commonly 'non-vocal communications'.
The term 'non-verbal communications' tends to be used in a wider sense, and all these terms are somewhat vague.
For the purposes of this article, the terms 'body language' and 'non-verbal communications' are broadly interchangeable. This guide also takes the view that body language/non-verbal communications is the study of how people communicate face-to-face aside from the spoken words themselves, and in this respect the treatment of the subject here is broader than typical body language guides limited merely to body positions and gestures.
If you carry out any serious analysis or discussion you should clarify the terminology in your own way to suit your purposes.
For example:
Does body language include facial expression and eye movement? - Usually, yes.
What about breathing and perspiration? - This depends on your definition of body language.
And while tone and pitch of voice are part of verbal signals, are these part of body language too? - Not normally, but arguably so, especially as you could ignore them if considering only the spoken words and physical gestures/expressions.
There are no absolute right/wrong answers to these questions. It's a matter of interpretation.
A good reason for broadening the scope of body language is to avoid missing important signals which might not be considered within a narrow definition of body language.
Nevertheless confusion easily arises if definitions and context are not properly established, for example:
It is commonly and carelessly quoted that 'non-verbal communications' and/or 'body language' account for up to 93% of the meaning that people take from any human communication. This statistic is actually a distortion based on Albert Mehrabian's research theory, which while itself is something of a cornerstone of body language research, certainly did not make such a sweeping claim.
Mehrabian's research findings in fact focused on communications with a strong emotional or 'feelings' element. Moreover the 93% non-verbal proportion included vocal intonation (paralinguistics), which are regarded by many as falling outside of the body language definition.
Care must therefore be exercised when stating specific figures relating to percentages of meaning conveyed, or in making any firm claims in relation to body language and non-verbal communications.
It is safe to say that body language represents a very significant proportion of meaning that is conveyed and interpreted between people. Many body language experts and sources seem to agree that that between 50-80% of all human communications are non-verbal. So while body language statistics vary according to situation, it is generally accepted that non-verbal communications are very important in how we understand each other (or fail to), especially in face-to-face and one-to-one communications, and most definitely when the communications involve an emotional or attitudinal element.
Body language is especially crucial when we meet someone for the first time.
We form our opinions of someone we meet for the first time in just a few seconds, and this initial instinctual assessment is based far more on what we see and feel about the other person than on the words they speak. On many occasions we form a strong view about a new person before they speak a single word.
Consequently body language is very influential in forming impressions on first meeting someone.
The effect happens both ways - to and from:
  • When we meet someone for the first time, their body language, on conscious and unconscious levels, largely determines our initial impression of them.
  • In turn when someone meets us for the first time, they form their initial impression of us largely from our body language and non-verbal signals.
And this two-way effect of body language continues throughout communications and relationships between people.
Body language is constantly being exchanged and interpreted between people, even though much of the time this is happening on an unconscious level.
Remember - while you are interpreting (consciously or unconsciously) the body language of other people, so other people are constantly interpreting yours.
The people with the most conscious awareness of, and capabilities to read, body language tend to have an advantage over those whose appreciation is limited largely to the unconscious.
You will shift your own awareness of body language from the unconscious into the conscious by learning about the subject, and then by practising your reading of non-verbal communications in your dealings with others.

body language is more than body positions and movements

Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies.
Body language potentially (although not always, depending on the definition you choose to apply) encompasses:
  • how we position our bodies
  • our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes
  • our facial expressions
  • our eyes especially and how our eyes move and focus, etc
  • how we touch ourselves and others
  • how our bodies connect with other non-bodily things, for instance, pens, cigarettes, spectacles and clothing
  • our breathing, and other less noticeable physical effects, for example our heartbeat and perspiration
Body language tends not to include:
  • the pace, pitch, and intonation, volume, variation, pauses, etc., of our voice.
Arguably this last point should be encompassed by body language, because a lot happens here which can easily be missed if we consider merely the spoken word and the traditional narrow definition of body language or non-verbal communications.
Voice type and other audible signals are typically not included in body language because they are audible 'verbal' signals rather than physical visual ones, nevertheless the way the voice is used is a very significant (usually unconscious) aspect of communication, aside from the bare words themselves.
Consequently, voice type is always important to consider alongside the usual body language factors.
Similarly breathing and heartbeat, etc., are typically excluded from many general descriptions of body language, but are certainly part of the range of non-verbal bodily actions and signals which contribute to body language in its fullest sense.
More obviously, our eyes are a vital aspect of our body language.
Our reactions to other people's eyes - movement, focus, expression, etc - and their reactions to our eyes - contribute greatly to mutual assessment and understanding, consciously and unconsciously.
With no words at all, massive feeling can be conveyed in a single glance. The metaphor which describes the eyes of two lovers meeting across a crowded room is not only found in old romantic movies. It's based on scientific fact - the strong powers of non-verbal communications.
These effects - and similar powerful examples - have existed in real human experience and behaviour for thousands of years.
The human body and our instinctive reactions have evolved to an amazingly clever degree, which many of us ignore or take for granted, and which we can all learn how to recognize more clearly if we try.
Our interpretation of body language, notably eyes and facial expressions, is instinctive, and with a little thought and knowledge we can significantly increase our conscious awareness of these signals: both the signals we transmit, and the signals in others that we observe.
Doing so gives us a significant advantage in life - professionally and personally - in our dealings with others.
Body language is not just reading the signals in other people.
Importantly, understanding body language enables better self-awareness and self-control too.
We understand more about other people's feelings and meanings, and we also understand more about these things in ourselves.
When we understand body language we become better able to refine and improve what our body says about us, which generates a positive improvement in the way we feel, the way we perform, and what we achieve.

body language definitions

As explained, the terms body language and non-verbal communications are rather vague.
So what is body language? And more usefully, what might we regard it to be, if we are to make the most of studying and using it?
The Oxford English Dictionary (revised 2005) definition is:
"body language - noun - the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated [for example]: his intent was clearly expressed in his body language."
The Oxford Business English Dictionary offers a slightly different definition. Appropriately and interestingly the Oxford Business English Dictionary emphasizes the sense that body language can be used as a tool, rather than it being an involuntary effect with no particular purpose:
"body language - noun - the process of communicating what you are feeling or thinking by the way you place and move your body rather than by words [for example]: The course trains sales people in reading the customer's body language."
The OED dictionary definition of kinesics - the technical term for the study of body language (and more loosely of body language itself) - depends on the interpretation of 'non-verbal communication':
"kinesics - the study of the way in which certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non-verbal communication... [and] body movements and gestures regarded as a form of non-verbal communication."
Body language is more than those brief descriptions.
  • Body language certainly also encompasses where the body is in relation to other bodies (often referred to as 'personal space').
  • Body language certainly also includes very small bodily movements such as facial expressions and eye movements.
  • Body language also arguably covers all that we communicate through our bodies apart from the spoken words (thereby encompassing breathing, perspiration, pulse, blood-pressure, blushing, etc.)
In this respect, standard dictionary definitions don't always describe body language fully and properly.
We could define body language more fully as:
"Body language is the unconscious and conscious transmission and interpretation of feelings, attitudes, and moods, through:
  • body posture, movement, physical state, position and relationship to other bodies, objects and surroundings,
  • facial expression and eye movement,
(and this transmission and interpretation can be quite different to the spoken words)."

Words alone - especially emotional words (or words used in emotional situations) - rarely reflect full or true meaning and motive.
We find clues to additional or true meaning in body language.
Being able to 'read' body language therefore helps us greatly:
  • to know how people feel and what they mean, and
  • to understand better how people might be perceiving our own non-verbal signals, and (often overlooked)
  • to understand ourselves better, deeper than the words we hear ourselves saying.

body language - background and history

Philosophers and scientists have connected human physical behaviour with meaning, mood and personality for thousands of years, but only in living memory has the study of body language become as sophisticated and detailed as it is today.
Body language studies and written works on the subject are very sparse until the mid-1900s.
The first known experts to consider aspects of body language were probably the ancient Greeks, notably Hippocrates and Aristotle, through their interest in human personality and behaviour, and the Romans, notably Cicero, relating gestures to feelings and communications. Much of this early interest was in refining ideas about oration - speech-making - given its significance to leadership and government.
Isolated studies of body language appeared in more recent times, for example Francis Bacon in Advancement of Learning, 1605, explored gestures as reflection or extension of spoken communications. John Bulwer's Natural History of the Hand published in 1644, considered hand gestures. Gilbert Austin's Chironomia in 1806 looked at using gestures to improve speech-making.
Charles Darwin in the late 1800s could be regarded as the earliest expert to have made serious scientific observation about body language, but there seems little substantial development of ideas for at least the next 150 years.
Darwin's work pioneered much ethological thinking. Ethology began as the science of animal behaviour. It became properly established during the early 1900s and increasingly extends to human behaviour and social organization. Where ethology considers animal evolution and communications, it relates strongly to human body language. Ethologists have progressively applied their findings to human behaviour, including body language, reflecting the evolutionary origins of much human non-verbal communication - and society's growing acceptance of evolutionary rather than creationist theory. Austrian zoologist and 1973 Nobel Prizewinner Konrad Lorenz (1903-89) was a founding figure in ethology. Desmond Morris, author of The Naked Ape, discussed below, is an ethologist, as is the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins (b. 1941) a leading modern thinker in the field. Ethology, like psychology, is an over-arching science which continues to clarify the understanding of body language.
The popular and accessible study of body language as we know it today is very recent.
In his popular 1971 book 'Body Language', Julius Fast (1919-2008) wrote: "...kinesics [body language and its study] is still so new as a science that its authorities can be counted on the fingers of one hand..."
Julius Fast was an American award winning writer of fiction and non-fiction work dealing especially with human physiology and behaviour. His book Body Language was among the first to bring the subject to a mainstream audience.
Significantly the references in Julius Fast's book (Birdwhistell, Goffman, Hall, Mehrabian, Scheflen, etc - see body language references and booksbelow) indicate the freshness of the subject in 1971. All except one of Julius Fast's cited works are from the 1950s and 1960s.
The exception among Fast's contemporary influences was Charles Darwin, and specifically his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, written in 1872, which is commonly regarded as the beginnings of the body language science, albeit not recognised as such then.
Sigmund Freud and others in the field of psychoanalysis - in the late 1800s and early 1900s - would have had good awareness of many aspects of body language, including personal space, but they did not focus on non-verbal communications concepts or develop body language theories in their own right. Freud and similar psychoanalysts and psychologists of that time were focused on behaviour and therapeutic analysis rather than the study of non-verbal communications per se.
A different view of human behaviour related to and overlapping body language, surfaced strongly in Desmond Morris's 1967 book The Naked Ape, and in follow-up books such as Intimate Behaviour, 1971. Morris, a British zoologist and ethologist, linked human behaviour - much of it concerned with communications - to human 'animalistic' evolution. His work remains a popular and controversial perspective for understanding people's behaviours, and while his theories did not focus strongly on body language, Morris's popularity in the late 1960s and 1970s contributed significantly to the increasing interest among people beyond the scientific community - for a better understanding of how and why we feel and act and communicate.
An important aspect of body language is facial expression, which is arguably one part of body language for which quite early 'scientific' thinking can be traced:
Physiognomy is an obscure and related concept to body language. Physiognomy refers to facial features and expressions which were/are said indicate the person's character or nature, or ethnic origin.
The word physiognomy is derived from medieval Latin, and earlier Greek (phusiognominia), which originally meant (the art or capability of) judging a person's nature from his/her facial features and expressions. The ancient roots of this concept demonstrate that while body language itself is a recently defined system of analysis, the notion of inferring human nature or character from facial expression is extremely old.
Kinesics (pronounced 'kineesicks' with stress on the 'ee') is the modern technical word for body language, and more scientifically the study of body language.
The word kinesics was first used in English in this sense in the 1950s, deriving from the Greek word kinesis, meaning motion, and seems to have first been used by Dr Ray Birdwhistell, an American 1950s researcher and writer on body language. (See references).
The introduction of a new technical word - (in this case, kinesics) - generally comes after the establishment of the subject it describes, which supports the assertion that the modern concept of body language - encompassing facial expressions and personal space - did not exist until the 1950s.
Proxemics is the technical term for the personal space aspect of body language. The word was devised in the late 1950s or early 1960s by Edward Twitchell Hall, an American anthropologist. The word is Hall's adaptation of the word proximity, meaning closeness or nearness. (See personal space.)
From the word kinesics, Ray Birdwhistell coined the term kine to refer to a single body language signal. This is not to be confused with the ancient and same word kine, meaning a group of cows. Neither word seems to have caught on in a big way, which in one way is a pity, but in another way probably makes matters simpler for anyone interested in the body language of cows.
The Greek word kinesis is also a root word of kinaesthetics, which is the 'K' in the VAK ('see hear feel') learning styles model.
Kinaesthetics (also known as kinesthetics) in the study of learning styles, is related to some of the principles of body language, in terms of conveying meaning and information via physical movement and experience.
Body language is among many branches of science and education which seek to interpret and exploit messages and meaning from the 'touchy-feely' side of life.
For example, the concepts of experiential learninggames and exercises, and love and spirituality at work - are all different perspectives and attempts to unlock and develop people's potential using ideas centred around kinaesthetics, as distinct from the more tangible and easily measurable areas of facts, figures words and logic.
These and similar methodologies do not necessarily reference body language directly, but there are very strong inter-connections.
Bloom's Taxonomy, and Kolb's Learning Styles are also helpful perspectives in appreciating the significance of kinaesthetics, and therefore body language, in life and work today.
The communications concepts of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and Transactional Analysis are closely dependent on understanding body language, NLP especially.

body language - nature or nurture?

Body language is part of human evolution, but as with many other aspects of human behaviour, the precise mixture of genetic (inherited) and environmental (learned or conditioned) influences is not known, and opinions vary.
Julius Fast noted this, especially regarding facial expressions. To emphasise the shifting debate he cited for example:
  • Darwin's belief that human facial expressions were similar among humans of all cultures, due to evolutionary theory.
  • Bruner and Taguiri's (see references) opposing views - in the early 1950s, after thirty years of research, they largely rejected the notion that facial expressions were inborn.
  • and Ekman, Friesan and Sorensen's findings (see references) - in 1969, having discovered consistent emotional-facial recognition across widely diverse cultural groups, which supported Darwin's evolutionary-centred ideas.
The discussion has continued in a similar vein to the modern day - studies 'proving' genetic or environmental cause - 'nature' or 'nurture' - for one aspect of body language or another.
The situation is made more complex when one considers the genetic (inherited) capability or inclination to learn body language. Is this nature or nurture?
It's both.
Body language is partly genetic (inborn - 'nature') - hugely so in certain aspects of body language - and partly environmental (conditioned/learned - 'nurture').
Some body language is certainly genetically inherited and consistent among all humans. Other body language is certainly not.
The use and recognition of certain fundamental facial expressions are now generally accepted to be consistent and genetically determined among all humans regardless of culture.
However the use and recognition of less fundamental physical gestures (hand movements for example, or the winking of an eye), and aspects of personal space distances, are now generally accepted to be environmentally determined (learned, rather than inherited), which is significantly dependent on local society groups and cultures.
Certain vocal intonation speech variations (if body language is extended to cover everything but the spoken words) also fall within this environmentally determined category. (See the 'other audible signals' section.)
In summary, we can be certain that body language (namely the conscious and unconscious sending and receiving of non-verbal signals) is partly inborn, and partly learned or conditioned.
Body language is part 'nature' and part 'nurture'.

body language and evolution

The evolutionary perspectives of body language are fascinating, in terms of its purpose and how it is exploited, which in turn feeds back into the purpose of body language at conscious and unconscious levels.
Human beings tend to lie, deceive, manipulate, and pretend. It's in our nature to do this, if only to a small degree in some folk.
For various reasons people intentionally and frequently mask their true feelings. (Transactional Analysis theory is very useful in understanding more about this.)
In expectation of these 'masking' tendencies in others, humans try to imagine what another person has in their mind. The need to understand what lies behind the mask obviously increases according to the importance of the relationship.
Body language helps us to manage and guard against these tendencies, and also - significantly especially in flirting/dating/mating rituals - body language often helps people to communicate and resolve relationship issues when conscious behaviour and speech fails to do so.
Body language has evolved in spite of human awareness and conscious intelligence: rather like a guardian angel, body language can help take care of us, connecting us to kindred souls, and protecting us from threats.
While the importance of body language in communications and management, etc., has become a popular interest and science in the last few decades, human beings have relied on body language instinctively in many ways for many thousands of years.
Early natural exponents of interpreting body language were for example the poker players of the American Wild West. The winners had not only to be handy with a six-shooter, but also skilled in reading other people's non-verbal signals, and controlling their own signals.
Before these times, explorers and tribal leaders had to be able to read the body language of potential foes - to know whether to trust or defend or attack.
Earlier than this, our cavemen ancestors certainly needed to read body language, if only because no other language existed.
Humans have also learned to read the body language of animals (and vice-versa), although humans almost certainly had greater skills in this area a long time ago. Shepherds, horse-riders and animal trainers throughout time and still today have good capabilities in reading animal body language, which for many extends to the human variety. Monty Roberts, the real life 'Horse Whisperer' is a good example.
Body language, and the reading of non-verbal communications and feelings, are in our genes. Were these factors not in our genes, we would not be here today.
On which point:
Women tend to have better perception and interpretation of body language than men. This is perhaps a feature of evolutionary survival, since females needed good body language skills to reduce their physical vulnerability to males and the consequential threat to life, limb and offspring. Females might not be so physically vulnerable in modern times, but their body language capabilities generally continue typically to be stronger than the male of the species. Thus, women tend to be able to employ body language (for sending and interpreting signals) more effectively than men.
Katherine Benziger's theories of brain types and thinking styles provides useful additional perspective. Women tend to have more empathic sensitivity than men, which naturally aids body language awareness and capabilities. Aside from gender differences, men and women with strong empathic sensitivity (typically right-basal or rear brain bias) tend to be better at picking up body language signals.

the six universal facial expressions - recognized around the world

It is now generally accepted that certain basic facial expressions of human emotion are recognized around the world - and that the use and recognition of these expressions is genetically inherited rather than socially conditioned or learned.
While there have been found to be minor variations and differences among obscurely isolated tribes-people, the following basic human emotions are generally used, recognized, and part of humankind's genetic character:
These emotional face expressions are:
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Surprise
  • Anger
Charles Darwin was first to make these claims in his book The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals, published in 1872. This book incidentally initially far outsold The Origin of Species, such was its wide (and controversial) appeal at the time.
Darwin's assertions about genetically inherited facial expressions remained the subject of much debate for many years.
In the 1960s a Californian psychiatrist and expert in facial expressions, Paul Ekman, (with Sorenson and Friesen - see references) conducted and published extensive studies with people of various cultures to explore the validity of Darwin's theory - that certain facial expressions and man's ability to recognize them are inborn and universal among people. Ekman's work notably included isolated tribes-people who could not have been influenced by Western media and images, and essentially proved that Darwin was right - i.e., that the use and recognition of facial expressions to convey certain basic human emotions is part of human evolved nature, genetically inherited, and not dependent on social learning or conditioning.

body language analysis

As with other behavioural sciences, the study of body language benefited from the development of brain-imaging technology in the last part of the 20th century. This dramatically accelerated the research and understanding into connections between the brain, feelings and thoughts, and body movement. We should expect to see this effect continuing and providing more solid science for body language theory, much of which remains empirical, i.e., based on experience and observation, rather than scientific test.Body language is instinctively interpreted by us all to a limited degree, but the subject is potentially immensely complex. Perhaps infinitely so, given that the human body is said to be capable of producing 700,000 different movements (Hartland and Tosh, 2001 - see references).
Given the potential for confusion, here are some considerations when analysing body language:


Body language also depends on context: body language in a certain situation might not mean the same in another.
Some 'body language' isn't what it seems at all, for example:
  • Someone rubbing their eye might have an irritation, rather than being tired - or disbelieving, or upset.
  • Someone with crossed arms might be keeping warm, rather than being defensive.
  • Someone scratching their nose might actually have an itch, rather than concealing a lie.

sufficient samples/evidence

A single body language signal isn't as reliable as several signals:
As with any system of evidence, 'clusters' of body language signals provide much more reliable indication of meaning than one or two signals in isolation.
Avoid interpreting only single signals. Look for combinations of signals which support an overall conclusion, especially for signals which can mean two or more quite different things.


Certain body language is the same in all people, for example smiling and frowning (and see the six universally recognizable facial expressions above), but some body language is specific to a culture or ethnic group.
Awareness of possible cultural body language differences is especially important in today's increasingly mixed societies.
Management and customer service staff are particularly prone to misreading or reacting inappropriately to body language signals from people of different ethnic backgrounds, a situation made worse because this sort of misunderstanding tends to peak when emotions are high.
Personal space preferences (distances inside which a person is uncomfortable when someone encroaches) can vary between people of different ethnicity.
In general this article offers interpretations applicable for Western culture.
If you can suggest any different ethnic interpretations of body language please send them and I'll broaden the guide accordingly.

body language is relative to age and gender

Many body language signals are relative.
A gesture by one person in a certain situation can carry far more, or very little meaning, compared to the same gesture used by a different person in a different situation.
Young men for example often display a lot of pronounced gestures because they are naturally energetic, uninhibited and supple. Older women, relatively, are less energetic, adopt more modest postures, and are prevented by clothing and upbringing from exhibiting very pronounced gestures.
So when assessing body language - especially the strength of signals and meanings - it's important to do so in relative terms, considering the type of person and situation involved.


Some people artificially control their outward body language to give the impression they seek to create at the time.
A confident firm handshake, or direct eye contact, are examples of signals which can be quite easily be 'faked' - usually temporarily, but sometimes more consistently.
However while a degree of faking is possible, it is not possible for someone to control or suppress all outgoing signals.
This is an additional reason to avoid superficial analysis based on isolated signals, and to seek as many indicators as possible, especially subtle clues when suspecting things might not be what they seem. Politicians and manipulative salespeople come to mind for some reason.
Looking for 'micro gestures' (pupils contract, an eyebrow lifts, corner of the mouth twitch) can help identify the true meaning and motive behind one or two strong and potentially false signals.
These micro gestures are very small, difficult to spot and are subconscious, but we cannot control them, hence their usefulness.

boredom, nervousness and insecurity signals

Many body language signals indicate negative feelings such as boredom, disinterest, anxiousness, insecurity, etc.
The temptation on seeing such signals is to imagine a weakness on the part of the person exhibiting them.
This can be so, however proper interpretation of body language should look beyond the person and the signal - and consider the situation, especially if you are using body language within personal development or management. Ask yourself:
What is causing the negative feelings giving rise to the negative signals?
It is often the situation, not the person - for example, here are examples of circumstances which can produce negative feelings and signals in people, often even if they are strong and confident:
  • dominance of a boss or a teacher or other person perceived to be in authority
  • overloading a person with new knowledge or learning
  • tiredness
  • stress caused by anything
  • cold weather or cold conditions
  • lack of food and drink
  • illness or disability
  • alcohol or drugs
  • being in a minority or feeling excluded
  • unfamiliarity - newness - change
Ask yourself, when analysing body language:
Are there external factors affecting the mood and condition of the individual concerned?
Do not jump to conclusions - especially negative ones - using body language analysis alone.

body language - translation of gestures, signs and other factors - quick reference guide

When translating body language signals into feelings and meanings remember that one signal does not reliably indicate a meaning.
Clusters of signals more reliably indicate meaning.
This is a general guide. Body language should not be used alone for making serious decisions about people.
Body language is one of several indicators of mood, meaning and motive.
This is a guide, not an absolutely reliable indicator, and this applies especially until you've developed good capabilities of reading body language signs.
Some of these signs have obvious meanings; others not so.
Even 'obvious' signs can be missed - especially if displayed as subtle movements in a group of people and if your mind is on other things - so I make no apology for including 'obvious' body language in this guide.
Also remember that cultural differences influence body language signals and their interpretation. This guide is based on 'Western World' and North European behaviours. What may be 'obvious' in one culture can mean something different in another culture.